
Self Portrait With Flash fb


I’m 47 years old, born and raised in Los Angeles.

Currently living in Las Vegas, moved here in 2009 after living in Norwich, Norfolk, UK for seven years.

I studied fine art and photography in college, eventually graduating from Cal State University in Fullerton with a degree in Art. My emphesis was in Drawing and Painting, but I also took a lot of photography classes which eventually took over as my main artistic outlet.

Please make sure to take a look at my photography pages;

Generator Photography

After I got my degree, I was never able to find a career in the arts. I held many different jobs over the years. The truth is, I’ve never had a job that I’ve felt comfortable in. I have made several attempts to try to find my true “vocation”, with varying degrees of success. So, at 47 years old, I’m preparing to change careers completely. Again.

I went back to school, got my Class A CDL, and now I’m on a new adventure.

I’m not saying that I’ve finally found what I was meant to do. This won’t be the magic bullet that will cure my occupational wanderlust. But after decades of bookkeeping and office administration work, I am looking forward to a change.

Please leave feedback on anything that I write, whether it is to correct my grammar, wish me good luck, or tell me I’m a jerk.

It’s all good.

One thought on “About

  1. Don’t feel bad. We are currently looking to list our house and move into an apartment with 5 kids so I can go to medical school.


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